Titel: |
Things That C# Could Lern From Rust |
Vortragsart: |
Breakout Session auf Fachkonferenz |
Datum: |
Dozent(en): |
Rainer Stropek |
Preis: |
Siehe Website des Veranstalters |
Ort: |
Mainz, Rheingoldhalle |
Veranstaltung: |
BASTA! Herbst 2022 |
Veranstalter: |
Software und Support Media |
Inhalt: |
As we all know at BASTA, C# and .NET are great platforms for building software. Yet, there is this new language Rust that many people are so excited about. It is an officially supported language in both Windows and Linux. Even Microsoft itself is using Rust in many areas for new and innovative solutions. So what makes Rust so special from the viewpoint of a C# developer? Which tricks does Rust know that C# could learn from it? Join Rainer in a one-hour, code-only discovery tour about differences and similarities of Rust and C#. |
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