Titel: Experiences with WSH and other Windows Scripting technologies
Vortragsart: Birds-of-a-Feather-Session
Datum: 01.07.2004
Dozent(en): Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
Preis: Siehe Website des Veranstalters
Ort: Amsterdam 
Veranstaltung: TechEd Europe 2004
Veranstalter: Microsoft EMEA
Inhalt: Windows Script 5.6 is always in the top-10 downloads list of http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/. A lot of people do great things with the WSH, but a lot of other people are affected by the complexity of some object models and the lack of tools. This BOF session is all about our sharing experiences with Windows automation tasks (i.e. using WSH, VBScript, ADSI, WMI, FSO, CDO, CDOEXM, GPMC, etc.) and our favourite scripting tools (e.g. PrimalScript, SystemScripter, WMI Object Browser, Script-O-matic). We should make a wish list for Microsoft Shell (MSH), the upcoming .NET-based Windows automation tool from Microsoft.
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