Titel: Scripting the Active Directory with ADSI and GPO
Vortragsart: Breakout Session auf Fachkonferenz
Datum: 18.11.2004 18:15 bis 19:30
Dozent(en): Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg
Preis: Siehe Website des Veranstalters
Ort: Kopenhagen 
Veranstaltung: Microsoft IT Forum 2004
Veranstalter: Microsoft EMEA
Inhalt: This session covers the use of windows scripts for managing users, groups, computers, organizational units, domains, security and group policies in the Active Directory of Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003. As well as describing the underlying architecture there will be several demonstrations showing practical examples of scripts to perform every day administrative tasks through to examples of tasks that are not easy or possible through the standard GUI tools.
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